the soil tunnel
Come visit the soil tunnel with the High Desert Conservency
The Corn bin
Come play in the corn bin
The Pig Chase
Come catch a pig to bring home
The Chicken Chase
Come catch a chicken to bring home
Farm olympics
Show off your farm skills and muscles by competing in farm style competitions
Burlap sack race, roping, bucking bales, feed carrying
Farm animals
See all of the baby animals.
Come learn how to swing a rope.
Barrel racing
Run some barrels on your trusty stick horse.
Cross-cut Saw
Participate in the cross-cut saw as a part of the farm olympics.
10am March 14-15
Limit - 30 children - first come first serve
The Magic of Germination!
12pm March 14-15
Limit - 30 children - first come first serve
Leatherwork 101
2pm March 14-15
Limit - 30 Children - first come first serve
4pm March 14-15
Limit - 30 children - first come first serve